Saturday, April 10, 2010

How to remove maximize and minimize links in the Portlet context menu

In certain cases it is an desired behavior to disable the minimize and maximize functionality of portlets in IBM WebSphere Portal. you can achieve this behavior by following the simple step mentioned here.

1. Take a backup of portletContextMenu.jsp file from your custom theme war file. It can be loacated at
(WarFileName)/themes/html/Portal folder, where (WarFileName)
is the name of your web application containing your themes.

2. Open the portletContextMenu.jsp file and search for the following elements for the minimize and maximize links. Remove the following two "c-rt:if" elements:

3. Save the modified file in your web application and redeploy the web application. Pages with your custom theme applied will now not render any minimize and maximize links in the portlet context menu.

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